

    id test_pos test_total cont_pos cont_total
1   test1        5        177        6        144
2   test2        5        132        4        155
3   test3        2         23       33         47
4   test4        6         76       22         86
5   test5       10        146        2        134
6   test6        1         32        2         56
7   test7        2        133        4        155
8   test8        4         59       12         66
9   test9        1         48        1         44
10 test10        4        104        2         87


meta1 <- metabin(test_pos, test_total, cont_pos, cont_total,
				data = dat, sm = "OR", studlab = id,
				comb.fixed = T, comb.random = T)

           OR            95%-CI %W(fixed) %W(random)
test1  0.6686 [0.1998;  2.2372]      9.26      12.00
test2  1.4862 [0.3908;  5.6521]      5.10      11.32
test3  0.0404 [0.0083;  0.1960]     28.51      10.08
test4  0.2494 [0.0951;  0.6540]     27.38      13.29
test5  4.8529 [1.0436; 22.5681]      2.80      10.29
test6  0.8710 [0.0759; 10.0001]      2.03       6.57
test7  0.5763 [0.1039;  3.1975]      5.24       9.44
test8  0.3273 [0.0993;  1.0782]     15.21      12.08
test9  0.9149 [0.0555; 15.0827]      1.47       5.52
test10 1.7000 [0.3039;  9.5111]      3.02       9.40

Number of studies combined: k=10

                         OR           95%-CI       z  p-value
Fixed effect model   0.5156 [0.3471; 0.7658] -3.2815   0.001 
Random effects model 0.6065 [0.2703; 1.3607] -1.2129   0.2252

Quantifying heterogeneity:
tau^2 = 1.0368; H = 1.69 [1.21; 2.37]; I^2 = 65% [31.2%; 82.2%]

Test of heterogeneity:
     Q d.f.  p-value
 25.69    9   0.0023




metafor1 <- escalc(measure="OR", ai = test_pos, bi = test_total - test_pos,
				ci = cont_pos, di = cont_total- cont_pos,
				data = dat, append = T)
metafor1res <- rma(metafor1$yi, metafor1$vi, data=dat, method ="DL")
Random-Effects Model (k = 10; tau^2 estimator: DL)

tau^2 (estimated amount of total heterogeneity): 1.0348 (SE = 0.7940)
tau (square root of estimated tau^2 value):      1.0173
I^2 (total heterogeneity / total variability):   64.92%
H^2 (total variability / sampling variability):  2.85

Test for Heterogeneity: 
Q(df = 9) = 25.6562, p-val = 0.0023

Model Results:

estimate       se     zval     pval    ci.lb    ci.ub          
 -0.5002   0.4121  -1.2138   0.2248  -1.3078   0.3074    



だけど、普通の混合モデルをlme4でやってみるために、まずはREMLでmeta analysisをやってみる。


metafor2res <- rma(metafor1$yi, metafor1$vi, data=dat, method ="REML")
> metafor2res

Random-Effects Model (k = 10; tau^2 estimator: REML)

tau^2 (estimated amount of total heterogeneity): 1.1297 (SE = 0.8331)
tau (square root of estimated tau^2 value):      1.0629
I^2 (total heterogeneity / total variability):   66.89%
H^2 (total variability / sampling variability):  3.02

Test for Heterogeneity: 
Q(df = 9) = 25.6562, p-val = 0.0023

Model Results:

estimate       se     zval     pval    ci.lb    ci.ub          
 -0.4971   0.4240  -1.1724   0.2410  -1.3281   0.3339          



id	syori	pos	total
test1	test	5	177
test1	cont	6	144
test2	test	5	132
test2	cont	4	155
test3	test	2	23
test3	cont	33	47
test4	test	6	76
test4	cont	22	86
test5	test	10	146
test5	cont	2	134
test6	test	1	32
test6	cont	2	56
test7	test	2	133
test7	cont	4	155
test8	test	4	59
test8	cont	12	66
test9	test	1	48
test9	cont	1	44
test10	test	4	104
test10	cont	2	87


lme1 <- glmer(cbind(pos, total) ~ syori + (1|id), data = dat2, family = binomial)

Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
 Family: binomial  ( logit )
Formula: cbind(pos, total) ~ syori + (1 | id)
   Data: dat2

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   122.5    125.5    -58.2    116.5       17 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-1.9940 -0.6087 -0.2307  0.6815  2.2630 

Random effects:
 Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 id     (Intercept) 0.9123   0.9552  
Number of obs: 20, groups:  id, 10

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  -2.6772     0.3327  -8.048 8.42e-16 ***
syoritest    -0.5222     0.2027  -2.576     0.01 *  
Signif. codes:  0***0.001**0.01*0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
syoritest -0.217


> lme2 <- glmer(cbind(pos, total) ~ 1+ (1|id) +(1|syori), data = dat2, family = binomial)
> lme2
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
 Family: binomial  ( logit )
Formula: cbind(pos, total) ~ 1 + (1 | id) + (1 | syori)
   Data: dat2
     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
125.7663 128.7535 -59.8831 119.7663       17 
Random effects:
 Groups Name        Std.Dev.
 id     (Intercept) 0.9762  
 syori  (Intercept) 0.2849  
Number of obs: 20, groups:  id, 10; syori, 2
Fixed Effects:

